Chapter 1 Set up

1.1 Apps

For this workshop, you need R and RStudio. Follow the links for downloading and installing these apps.

1.2 Libraries

Install missing packages for this tutorial.

list_pkgs <- c("caret", "recipes", "rsample", "tidyverse", "conflicted", "modelr", "forcats", "yardstick", "visdat", "skimr", "ranger", "knitr", "patchwork", "hexbin")
new_pkgs <- list_pkgs[!(list_pkgs %in% installed.packages()[, "Package"])]
if (length(new_pkgs) > 0) install.packages(new_pkgs)

This book was compiled with the bookdown library and source files (RMarkdown), available on Github. Navigate there also for working on the exercises (Chapter 7) and using the solutions (Chapter 8).

This book is published under a GNU-GPL v3 license. Please cite this as:

Benjamin Stocker. (2021). ml4ec_workshop: v1: Initial version (v1.0). Zenodo.