
Lecture Introduction to C cycle, MRes EEC, Imperial College London

I taught an introductory course to the (terrestrial) carbon cycle for Masters students of the MRes Evolution and Ecology course at Imperial College London. This corresponds to about 6 hours teaching plus exercises.

The teaching material is accessible as a PDF here:

For lecture Introduction to C cycle, F. Joos, CEP, University of Bern

For the exercises of the Carbon Cycle lecture by Prof. Fortunat Joos, University of Berne, I developed a series of problem sets to guide students into programming and apply simple methods to develop box models that capture some of the basic characteristics of the carbon cycle. This is supposed to illustrate the principles of ocean-atmosphere CO2 exchange, and the ocean carbonate chemistry and how these processes affect the accumulation of fossil 2 in the atmosphere. Writing simple box models in R is supposed to serve as a general introduction to programming (loops, conditional statements, input/output) and should allow students to play with their models and seize the effect of future emission pathways on the carbon cycle.

Lesson problems data solutions
First steps in R [link]() link link
1-Box model for the atmosphere [link]() link
Farquhar photosynthesis model [link]() link
2-Box Atmosphere-Ocean model [link]() link