3 The global carbon budget
The principles of what drives the carbon cycle, and along with it the energy and mass flow, cannot be better explained than through the words of the late and great Richard Feynman - Nobel Prize laureate in Physics and a gifted teacher.
Energy from solar radiation is absorbed and consumed to convert atmospheric C, present in its (oxidized) gaseous form CO2, into C in carbohydrates and biomass. In other words, biomass stores solar energy. This energy can be released again, not only through combustion (fire). It also serves as an energy source through consumption of organic matter by heterotrophic organisms - animals (including humans), fungi, and bacteria. Fire and heterotrophic consumption release CO2 and thus close the atmosphere-land C cycle.
The fact that the mass of trees comes from the air, not from the soil was discovered in the late 1600 by Jan Baptista van Helmont, a Belgian chemist, physiologist, and physician. Van Helmont conducted an experiment to understand the source of plant growth. He planted a willow tree in a pot with a measured amount of soil and watered it with only rainwater. After five years, he found that the tree had gained a significant amount of biomass, while the soil weight had barely changed. Mass conservation appeared to have been violated. Has it?
Van Helmont concluded that the increase in plant mass did not come from the soil, as he initially believed, but rather from the water. Apparently, he didn’t fully grasp the role of photosynthesis for fixing gaseous carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air. The respective C is partly converted to wood, leaves, and roots, and makes up around 50% of a tree’s biomass. Anyways, his experiment laid the groundwork for later discoveries about the vital role of CO2 in plant growth. The understanding of photosynthesis and the role of CO2 in plant carbon uptake was further developed later and will be introduced in Chapter 4.
The C cycling between the atmosphere and the ocean mostly follows very different processes and dynamics than the carbon uptake and release on land. These processes and implications for CO2 trajectories are introduced in Chapter 13. The global pools of the land, ocean, and atmosphere C and the fluxes between them, and how they are changing as a result of anthropogenic fossil fuel combustion, is the topic of this chapter.
3.1 The pre-industrial carbon cycle
Carbon is an abundant element, present in all organic matter - matter produced by biota (living organisms) - and in inorganic forms in the atmosphere, the ocean, and the lithosphere. On land, the vast majority of C is present in organic forms in living biomass - mostly of vegetation (450 PgC) and soil organic matter (1700 PgC excluding permafrost). Of the latter, a particularly large stock of C is stored in permafrost soils (1200 PgC). In the ocean, the vast majority of C mass is present in inorganic forms, dissolved in ocean water, of which 900 PgC is stored in the surface ocean (the well-mixed top few hundred meters) and 37,100 PgC is stored in the deep ocean. Dissolved organic carbon in the ocean makes up 700 PgC and 1750 PgC are stored as carbonate shells in ocean floor sediments. In the pre-industrial Earth, 591 PgC were present as CO2 in the atmosphere.
We will express all carbon fluxes and pools in units of mass C. For global-scale quantities, we use PgC:
1 PgC = 1 petagram C = 1015 gC = 109 tC = 1 GtC = 1 gigaton C.
C mass is sometimes also expressed in units of mass CO2. The interconversion between mass C and mass CO2 has to consider the respective molecular masses (44.01 g mol-1 for CO2 and 12.011 g mol-1 for C):
3.664 PgCO2 contains 1 PgC.
The concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is measured in parts per million (ppm), expressed as a dry-air mole fraction. Therefore, ppm is an abbreviation for micromoles per mole dry air. Since the total mass of the atmosphere is well-known and CO2 is relatively well-mixed in the troposphere within one year, the CO2 concentration can directly be converted into a total atmospheric mass of C in the form of CO2 (Ballantyne et al. 2012):
1 ppm CO2 = 2.124 PgC
Under the relatively stable climate of the pre-industrial Holocene (11,700 yr BP - 1750 CE), the size of the C pools described above remained relatively stable. To simplify, we can conceive them as constant (at steady state) under the pre-industrial Holocene climate. This is a simplification. For example, millennial-scale trends in solar radiation inputs over the seasons and latitudes (driven by slight changes in the Earth’s orbit around the sun), caused climate and vegetation changes that were substantial and in certain cases abrupt (e.g., the demise of the Green Sahara between around 6-3 ka BP (Shanahan et al. 2015)).
Even under such a pre-industrial steady state, C fluxes between the major reservoirs or pools (atmosphere, ocean, land) persisted. This is indicated in Figure 3.1 by the wide orange arrows pointing up and down between the land and the atmosphere and between the ocean and the atmosphere, as well as between different pools within the ocean. In a steady state, the C flux from the atmosphere into the land roughly equals the flux from the land to the atmosphere, and the net exchange flux is zero. Hence, the pool sizes remain constant in spite of the ongoing exchange fluxes between them. We speak of a dynamic equilibrium.
3.2 Carbon pool dynamics
The concept of pools and fluxes is central for describing and modelling the carbon cycle and other biogeochemical cycles in the environment. The dynamics of a pool
To simplify the expressions, we will omit
In a dynamic equilibrium the change in the pool size
Equation 3.2 can also be expressed in terms of an average lifetime or turnover time
- Consider the C pool of the intermediate and deep sea (37,100 PgC) in Figure 3.1 (bottom right). What is the turnover time of C in that pool?
- Express the steady-state pool size
as a function of the in-flux and the turnover time . - Express the half-life constant as a function of
. - Do you know about other processes in nature that can be described by the 1st-order decay model?
With the information in Figure 3.1 about pool sizes and steady-state gross fluxes (parallel input and output fluxes), and our model of pool dynamics, we get an insight about how fast C is cycling in and out of different pools.
Pool | Pool size (PgC) | Input flux (PgC yr-1) | Turnover time (yr) |
Atmosphere | 591 | 167.3 | 3.5 |
Surface ocean | 900 | 329 | 2.7 |
Deep ocean | 37,000 | (see exercise 3.1) | (see exercise 3.1) |
Biosphere | 2150 | 113 | 19 |
Lithosphere | 75,000,000 | 0.7 | 108 |
It should be noted that the turnover time
The range of turnover times (e.g., within the terrestrial biosphere) arise because C is transferred between multiple pools within the biosphere and the ocean. Going to the next more detailed level of abstraction (model representation), multiple C pools in terrestrial ecosystems can be distinguished (e.g., non-structural C, leaves, roots, wood, litter, soil organic matter, microbes). Some C “cascades” through multiple pools, some is quickly respired back into the atmosphere. The interpretation that
3.3 The anthropogenic perturbation
Although fossil fuels are formed by natural processes of the C cycle, their combustion can be regarded as an external input of C into the (modern) global C cycle. This is because the time scale at which the reservoir of fossil fuels is depleted (102 yr) stands in stark contrast to the time scale at which it was formed (108 yr, see turnover time of C in the lithosphere in Table 3.1). The C is added in the form of CO2 to the atmosphere from where it is taken up by the ocean through diffusion and equilibration of the ocean surface water’s CO2 partial pressure with the atmosphere’s CO2 partial pressure, and by the terrestrial biosphere through photosynthesis. It is important to note that CO2 in the atmosphere does not decay through physical or chemical processes, nor are there C sinks on land or in the ocean that remove C away from the “fast” C cycle - except the burial into sediments (see Figure 3.1 and Table 3.1). However the magnitude of the burial fluxes are dwarfed by the magnitude of C inputs through the combustion of fossil fuels and deforestation. Hence, the present-day C emissions drive an accumulation of the total amount of C cycling in the “fast” C cycle and the added C gets redistributed between the spheres. The net fluxes from the atmosphere into land ecosystems and the ocean arise because the total terrestrial and oceanic C pools are increasing as CO2 is emitted into the atmosphere and the atmospheric CO2 concentration is rising. In subsequent chapters (Chapter 4 and Chapter 13), we will learn about the processes driving the CO2 uptake by land and ocean and the dynamics of the C redistribution in the Earth system. In this chapter, we will look at the global C budget - how much C has been emitted by the combustion of fossil fuels and deforestation and how much of this C has accumulated in the atmosphere and how much has been taken up by the ocean and the terrestrial biosphere?
The global C budget can be defined for globally aggregated fluxes as the balance between emissions from fossil fuels
This terminology is adopted from the Global Carbon Budget (Friedlingstein et al. 2023) and is expressed as global annual total fluxes. The separation of
The values of the global carbon budget components are given in Figure 3.1 for an average across years 2010-2019, where
Component | Cumulative 1750-2022 | Annual 2013-2022 |
480 |
9.6 |
250 |
1.3 |
300 |
5.2 |
190 |
2.8 |
245 |
3.3 |
Estimates of each global carbon budget compenent are largely independent from each other and rely on different types of observations, data, and methods.
Advances in observations and modelling in recent years now enable the land and ocean sink to be estimated in a “bottom-up fashion” - using models of land and ocean C uptake. Since every component of the global carbon budget is thereby estimated independently, a budget imbalance term
Today, the global carbon budget is well specified thanks to reliable estimates of its individual components. The budget imbalance is only a fraction of the total emissions. Until recently, “bottom-up” estimates of
It was only later that the existence of a terrestrial C sink could be more firmly established and quantified thanks to parallel measurements of the atmospheric O2 and CO2 concentrations (Keeling, Piper, and Heimann 1996). (In fact, the ratio O2/N2 is measured to avoid the much larger measurement uncertainty in absolute O2 measurements). The ratios of O2:CO2 are known from the stoichiometric molecular formulae for photosynthesis (O2:CO2 = 1.1), fossil fuel combustion (O2:CO2 = 1.4) and ocean uptake (O2:CO2 = 0). An ocean O2 source from marine organisms has to be factored in. Given the total C emissions from fossil fuel combustion, the net land C balance can thus be calculated and the calculation visualized geometrically (Figure 3.2). Note that net emissions from land use change are not considered and the what is termed the “Sland” in Figure 3.2 is actually the net
In a mathematical sense, the constraint from atmospheric oxygen can be understood as a second equation, necessary for solving for two unknowns
We can adopt the perspective of C cycle science stated in earlier publications. Falkowski et al. (2000) wrote: “Direct determination of changes in terrestrial carbon storage has proven extremely difficult. Rather, the contribution of terrestrial ecosystems to carbon storage is inferred from changes in the concentrations of atmospheric gases, especially CO2 and O2 […].” In that sense, let’s consider the land sink to be the budget residual and assume that the ocean sink estimate is accurate (indeed, its uncertainty is only about half the uncertainty in bottom-up land sink estimates, Table 3.2). Visually contrasting emissions and their redistribution reveals an interesting pattern (Figure 3.4). The substantial year-to-year (interannual) variations in the land sink are almost exclusively responsible for interannual variations in the atmospheric growth rate. Total emissions and the ocean sink exhibit little interannual variation. By definition, the sum of the atmospheric growth rate, land and ocean sink is equal to the sum of emissions from fossil fuels and land use change.
- Use Equation 3.7 to express the land sink as the budget residual (assuming
# Data from Friedlingstein et al. 2023. Downloaded excel file 'Global
# Carbon Budget v2023' from
# https://globalcarbonbudgetdata.org/latest-data.html
# Saved tab Global Carbon Budget as a CSV file.
# Reading this CSV here.
<- read_csv(here("data/Global_Carbon_Budget_2023v1.0_tabGlobalCarbonBudget.csv"))
# (Re-) definitions
<- df |>
# Include the carbonation sink in the fossil fuel emissions
mutate(e_ff = e_ff - s_cement) |>
# Land sink defined as the budget residual
mutate(s_res = e_ff + e_luc - g_atm - s_ocean)
# Create the budget plot
df ggplot() +
x = year,
ymax = e_ff + e_luc,
ymin = e_luc,
fill = "ff"),
alpha = 0.8
) geom_ribbon(
x = year,
ymax = e_luc,
ymin = 0,
fill = "luc"),
alpha = 0.8
) geom_ribbon(
x = year,
ymax = 0,
ymin = -s_ocean,
fill = "ocean"),
alpha = 0.8
) geom_ribbon(
x = year,
ymax = -s_ocean,
ymin = -(s_ocean + s_res),
fill = "land"),
alpha = 0.8
) geom_ribbon(
x = year,
ymax = -(s_ocean + s_res),
ymin = -(s_ocean + s_res + g_atm),
fill = "atm"),
alpha = 0.8) +
x = year,
y = 0),
linetype = "dotted") +
x = year,
y = e_ff + e_luc)
) geom_line(
x = year,
y = -(s_ocean + s_res + g_atm)
) geom_line(
x = year,
y = imbalance,
color = "imbalance"),
linewidth = 0.2
) labs(x = "Year",
y = expression(paste("CO"[2], " flux (PgC yr"^-1, ")")),
title = "Annual carbon emissions (positive) \nand their redistribution (negative)"
) scale_fill_manual(
name = "",
breaks = c("ff", "luc", "ocean", "land", "atm"),
values = c("ff" = "lightslategrey",
"luc" = "chocolate1",
"ocean" = "lightseagreen",
"land" = "yellowgreen",
"atm" = "deepskyblue1"
),labels = c("Fossil fuel \nemissions",
"Net land-use \nchange emissions",
"Ocean \nsink",
"Land \nsink",
"Atmospheric \ngrowth"
) scale_color_manual(
name = "",
breaks = "imbalance",
values = c("imbalance" = "grey40"),
labels = "Budget imbalance"
) theme_minimal() +
legend.box = "vertical"
ggsave(here::here("book/images/globalcarbonbudget.png"), width = 6, height = 6)
3.4 Understanding the land C sink
3.4.1 Processes
As challenging as it was to locate the “missing C sink” in the terrestrial biosphere in the 1990s (see above), it remains a great challenge to locate the C sink within the terrestrial biosphere and attribute it to processes. Three processes are considered to be particularly influential for the terrestrial C balance, and they each affect ecosystems’ C balances in different regions across the globe - land use change, the relief of temperature limitations on photosynthesis and growth, and the CO2 fertilization effect.
The land C balance from land use change is the net of a flux to the atmosphere due to deforestation and a flux from the atmosphere to the land biosphere due to regrowth after deforestation. Land use change trends are very different across regions globally. While large C losses due to land use change are currently occurring in the tropics, northern extra-tropical regions generally gain C as forests are recovering from more intense wood harvesting in the past - prior the the mid-20th century. Chapter 10 delves deeper into the role of land use change on the carbon cycle and climate. The net C flux from land use change is accounted for in the global carbon budget by the term
Warming trends due to anthropogenic climate change are relieving temperature limitations on photosynthesis and tree growth, enabling an extension of the growing season (Ruehr et al. 2023), and an expansion of forest areas and vegetation greenness in high northern latitudes - as sensed from space (T. F. Keenan and Riley 2018). The associated land C sink, as the one driven by forest recovery from past land use change, is located in the northern extra-tropics.
Rising atmospheric CO2 stimulates leaf-level photosynthetic rates. The additional C assimilated likely drives increases in ecosystem C storage. However, a multitude of processes and ecosystem feedbacks are involved and affect the link between the leaf-level CO2-fertilization of photosynthesis and ecosystem-level C storage (nutrient limitation, tree longevity reduction due to accelerated growth, soil organic C loss due to plant-soil interactions). Free-Air-CO2-Experiments, where plots of outdoor growing vegetation are exposed to elevated CO2 during multiple years indicate a stimulation of photosynthesis and growth, but evidence for gains in biomass and soil C stocks is mixed. Yet, C gains in mature forest growth, biomass, and ecosystem C stocks are documented and, particularly in the tropics, CO2-fertilization appears to be the main driver of this trend. This is consistent with Dynamic Global Vegetation Models that attribute about 60-85% of the total land sink to CO2-fertilization (Schimel, Stephens, and Fisher 2015; Trevor F. Keenan et al. 2016). Published review studies (Ruehr et al. 2023; Walker et al. 2021) provide a more detailed account of the complex role of CO2-fertilization in driving the land C sink.
Theory suggests that the CO2 effect on photosynthesis should be higher under warm than under cold temperatures. Therefore, a CO2-driven land sink should be strongest in the tropics. As mentioned above, a C sink that is driven predominantly by either growing season extensions and cold limitation reliefs or by recovery from past land use change would be located mainly in the northern extra-tropics. How to discriminate between these drivers and their associated C sink regions? Once more, atmospheric CO2 measurements provide a constraint. While the total terrestrial C sink is relatively well-constrained through the global carbon budget, contributions from the tropics (and southern hemisphere) vs. the northern extra-tropics requires an additional constraint. Atmospheric CO2 measurements, in combination with known CO2 sources and their location and with atmospheric transport fields (atmospheric inversions) enable a split of the global land C sink into contribution from the two regions, while their sum is constrained by the global carbon budget. This approach is visualized in Figure 3.5. The combination of the two constraints indicates that model simulations where the CO2-fertilization effect was “turned off” tend to be outside the range of plausible combinations of tropical and northern-extratropical land C sinks. This indicates the importance of a strong CO2-fertilization-driven C sink in the tropics. Hence, the hypothesis that the land C sink is driven exclusively by forest recovery from past land use and the extension of the growing season in cold-limited regions of the northern extra-tropics is not compatible with the C budget and the inter-hemispheric split of land C uptake inferred from atmospheric inversions.
The processes for understanding the oceanic C sink will be introduced in Chapter 13.
3.4.2 Interannual variability
As highlighted above, pointing to Figure 3.4, the magnitude of the land C sink varies strongly between years. Semi-arid regions, where dry conditions during a substantial part of the year limit photosynthesis and where drought-related disturbances strongly influence ecosystem C balances, are contributing most strongly to the signal apparent from the global C budget (Ahlström et al. 2015). Semi-arid regions largely align with temperate and tropical grasslands, savannahs, and shrubland biomes (Figure 2.2). Years with a small land sink and a high atmospheric CO2 growth rate are dry years, associated with low global-scale terrestrial water storage (Humphrey et al. 2018), and are associated with warm temperature anomalies in the tropics (Cox et al. 2013). This indicates two important points. First, C storage in the terrestrial biosphere is highly susceptible to climate variations. Second, water availability has a strong control on the terrestrial carbon cycle. We will learn more about how the water and the carbon cycles are coupled in Chapter 7 and how the influence of water availability on vegetation varies across the globe in Chapter 8.
Equation 3.2 describes the dynamics of land C storage based on a 1-box model. Let’s apply this model for understanding the link between changes in
We make the (strong) assumption that the land C balance dynamics are exclusively driven by the CO2-fertilization effect on photosynthetic C uptake, represented by
The 1-box model can be implemented numerically by discretization in time (i.e., considering time steps
We further assume that
- Express
as a function of , using the definition of from Equation 3.9, and using and . - Calculate
for ppm and as the pre-industrial value of total terrestrial gross photosynthesis from Figure 3.1 and using the value of (mean) from T. F. Keenan et al. (2023). - It is important to note that the land C sink trajectories are strongly dependent on whether the dominating process driving it is CO2 fertilization or forest recovery from past disturbance (or other drivers). The temporal course of ecosystem C pools after a disturbance is schematically illustrated in Figure 3.8. Sketch the resulting land C sink for the different CO2 trajectories of Figure 3.7 if the sink was exclusively driven by forest recovery.